This web method returns the details of any maintenance tasks that have been setup against an asset
Method | /ProCloudWS.asmx/ScheduledTasksOnlyReport |
This web method returns the details of any maintenance tasks that have been setup against an asset
The request body is of type ScheduledTasksOnlyReport.
Name | Description | Data Type |
objProviderGUId | This is a unique provider id, which can be obtained from CSS GUId | guid |
strPassword | This is your unique service password which can be obtained from CSS String (min 1 max 50) | xml:string |
intProviderBranchId | This is to filter by a particular branch ID Int (using 0 will return results for all branches) | xml:int |
intContractId | This is to filter by a particular contract ID Int (A contract ID must be used) | xml:int |
strProductCode | This is the product code of your asset. String (max 50 - an empty string can be sent for no filtering) | xml:string |
strClient | This is the client name whom an asset is currently with. Is also a wild card search. String (max 100 - an empty string can be sent for no filtering) | xml:string |
strTimeFrame | This is the time frame you can filter your tasks by. Must be supplied String (max 2 - T = Today; W = This Week; M = This Month; Y = This Year; LY = Last Year) | xml:string |
boolOverDueOnly | This is a filter to return only tasks that are overdue Boolean | xml:boolean |
intOnlyComplete | This is a filter which will return only completed or incomplete tasks Int (0 = All statues; 1 = Only complete; 2 = Only incomplete) | xml:int |
intTechnicianId | This is a filter which will return tasks assigned to a particular agent/technician ID int (-1 will return all agents) | xml:int |
intAddressId | This is a filter which will return tasks assigned to a particular address ID int (-1 will return all addresses) | xml:int |
strAssetId | This is a filter which will return all tasks by a particular Asset ID String (Max 50 - An empty string will return all assets) | xml:string |
boolOnlyPassed | This is a filter which will return only tasks that have passed their checks Boolean | xml:boolean |
boolOnlyFailed | This is a filter which will return only tasks that have failed their checks Boolean | xml:boolean |
intFrequencyFilter | This is a filter which will return only tasks that repeat at the chosen interval Int (-1 = All intervals; 1 = Daily; 2 = Weekly; 3 = Fortnightly; 4 = Monthly; 5 = 3 Monthly; 6 = Yearly; 7 = Ad-Hoc) | xml:int |
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The response body is of type ScheduledTasksOnlyReportResponse.
Name | Description | Data Type |
ScheduledTasksOnlyReportResult | objScheduledTasksOnlyReportReturn |
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <objScheduledTasksOnlyReportReturn xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <intErrorId>0</intErrorId> <strErrorMsg/> <xmlDataSet> <NewDataSet xmlns=""> <ScheduledTasksOnlyReport> <AssetId>008-20367</AssetId> <AssetCode>BCYA</AssetCode> <IntervalDays>28</IntervalDays> <PPMDesc>BCYA - B06M </PPMDesc> <NextDue>2017-03-10T00:00:00+00:00</NextDue> <DaysToGo>2</DaysToGo> <LastTask/> <ManifestDate>2999-01-01T00:00:00+00:00</ManifestDate> <ServiceAddressOrClient/> <ItemCompStatus>0</ItemCompStatus> <ByUserId>-1</ByUserId> <ActivityId>350835</ActivityId> <typeId>18</typeId> <ActivityCompDate>2999-01-01T00:00:00+00:00</ActivityCompDate> <FullAddress/> <ReasonCodeTypeId>-1</ReasonCodeTypeId> <PlannedNext>2017-04-07T00:00:00+01:00</PlannedNext> <TaskDescription>B06 Monthly Test - BA Cylinder</TaskDescription> <ProviderBranchId>60</ProviderBranchId> <ItemManifestToId>-1</ItemManifestToId> <ItemManifestedTo/> <ActOutComeId>-1</ActOutComeId> <ActOutComeName/> <ActOutComeDescription/> <IsFailure>false</IsFailure> <StatusId>2539</StatusId> <LocationName>Nearside front</LocationName> <LocationParentId>2534</LocationParentId> <ParentName>D04P2</ParentName> <ParentId>2534</ParentId> <LocationBreadCrumb>D04P2 / Nearside front</LocationBreadCrumb> <LegacyStockRef>BCYA 76089</LegacyStockRef> <Description>BA Cylinder</Description> <ActivityItemId>458922</ActivityItemId> </ScheduledTasksOnlyReport> </NewDataSet> </xmlDataSet> </objScheduledTasksOnlyReportReturn>